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Zoom refers to an adjustable field of view. Cameras may have manual zoom with a Varifocal lens or remote zoom with a powered zoom lens. Some DVR video recorders also have the ability to change the monitoring field of view and zoom in or out on selected areas of a recorded video image.

Zero Lux Operation refers to video imaging in pitch black (0.0 lux) lighting conditions. Monochrome CCD cameras can use IR Infrared lighting to yield crisp and distinguishable video images when absolutely no visible light is available.

1/8" (3.5mm) Mini Plug is an audio / video connector plug for some monitors and recorders. Camcorders are especially likely to use this type of plug for audio / video input and audio / video output. 1/8" mini plugs carry composite signals just like BNC or RCA plugs. However, the mini plug is smaller and can carry both a video and an audio signal over a single connector.

12VDC Most board cameras, mini cameras and about one third of the professional cameras work with 12VDC, 100mA to 200mA for B/W cameras and 150mA to 300mA for color ones. These cameras usually have DC jacks to accept DC power plugs. You should be careful about the polarity (positive and negative) for this power source. 12VDC power can be supplied by AC Adapter or battery pack. You may even use a "power cord" plugged to the cigarette lighter in a car.

24VAC About two thirds of the professional cameras work with 24VAC, 20VA to 40VA. The cameras usually have screw type connections and you don't need to worry about the polarity. This power is usually supplied by AC Adapter and you need to prepare separate power cable for the connection. Unlike 12VDC, this power can be transmitted to a long distance up to 450ft and is proper for the cameras that are to be installed outdoor or when you don't have the power outlet near the camera.