ND Filter a filter that attenuates light evenly over the visible light spectrum. It reduces the light entering a lens, thus forcing the iris to open to its maximum.
Noise Undesired signals that corrupt the original video signals and may reduce the image quality.
NTSC is the standard color video format used in North America, Japan, and some other places in the world. Black and white EIA video products are also generally referred to as NTSC because nearly all NTSC equipment can also handle black and white EIA video. National Television System Committee; formulates standards for American colour television system. NTSC system has 525 horizontal scan lines and 30 frames per second.
Network Camera This refers to a camera that is designed to record pictures and transmit them directly over a computer network or dialup internet connection. Network cameras normally do not have any analogue video outputs. The images are encoded directly in one of the standard compression techniques, such as JPEG or MPEG.
Network Operation is a feature of many DVR digital video recorders. This allows the user to connect the DVR system to another computer or computer network for dynamic recording control and playback on other computers. Network operation is also interconnected with remote viewing capability for record and playback features over the internet. However, most network operation features are complex and not intended for most novice users. Connecting a DVR recorder to a PC network may require additional hardware such as a WAN or LAN router in addition to some prior networking knowledge and experience. |