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Camera format Video camera's CCD chips format; 2/3", 1/3", 1/4", etc. Camera Sensor: Video image sensor. CCD or C-MOS chip.

C-/CS-Mount Lenses and Cameras- The security industry has agreed upon a standard size lens mounting thread and coupling diameter with C and CS mount lenses. Cameras built with this type of lens mount can easily be configured with any of a large variety of C and CS mount lenses available for CCTV. Although C and CS are not exactly the same size, most cameras designed for this type of lens can accept either configuration using a simple plastic adapter. These lenses are standardized and will always thread properly, but exchanging C and CS mount lenses does require back focusing. This process requires the user / installer to slowly find the exact right thread position of the lens to ensure a clear video image. An industry standard for lens mounting. C-Mount is 1-inch diameter with 32 threads per inch. A C-Mount lens needs a C-ring when it is mounted on a CS-Mount camera. The C mount lens has a flange back distance of 17.5mm. The CS mount lens has a flange back distance of 12.5mm. C mount lenses therefore have a longer focal distance. CS mount became widely used, because it its more practical for many of today's more compact cameras. Lenses are often supplied with a 5mm spacer ring (sometimes called a C ring) that allows a C mount lens to be used on a CS camera. Most modern cameras are CS.

CCD stands for charged coupled device. This is a solid-state semiconductor element which uses hundreds of thousands of tiny pixel elements to accept light and translate that information into a vivid, visible picture image. A CCD is one type of camera image sensor. CCDs produce MUCH higher tvres, lower light sensitivity, and better overall video quality than CMOS imagers (also commonly found in CCTV industry cameras). One of the two main types of image sensing device used in cameras. It operates by converting light energy into electrical charge.

CCIR is the standard monochrome video format used in most of Europe, Israel, and some other places in the world. CCIR products are also generally referred to as PAL because all PAL products can also handle black and white CCIR video. Some camera models available on are also available in PAL / CCIR video format for foreign clients and special applications.

CCTMA Closed Circuit Television Manufacturers Association.

CCTV stands for closed circuit television: a video system which will only be monitored in a closed environment (as opposed to public broadcast). The realm of video security and surveillance is also referred to as CCTV. CCTV Is a Television system that sends a signal to one or more monitors rather than broadcasting over a public network, hence closed-circuit. A standard CCTV system will normally include a CCTV camera (for capturing video), transmitters and receivers (to transfer the video from the source to where it is recorded), a recording system (for video playback), and a monitor (for video monitoring). CCTV systems are primarily used for security purposes inside and outside buildings. However, they can also be used for specialist applications such as mobile police use and interrogation.

Chrominance  refers to the part of the video signal that contains the colour information.

CMOS stands for charged metal oxide semiconductor. This is one type of camera image sensor which uses a charged metal surface to detect light and create a video image. CMOS technology is often smaller than CCD chips are currently capable of, so these cameras can often be quite miniature. While very low quality CMOS cameras are available for as little as $10 or $20, even the highest tvres CMOS cameras cannot compete with newer CCD imagers in the important fields of tvres, sharpness, and low light performance.

Coaxial Cable is the most common type of cable used for transmitting a video signal through copper wire. This type of wiring has a coaxial cross-section where an outer shielding protects the actual interior signal conductor from electromagnetic interference. In the CCTV industry, the term "coax" usually refers to RG-59 cable with BNC-type plug ends.

Codec refers to an internal computer component which processes analog information (like a video or audio signal) into a digital format such as MJPEG, MPEG-4, Wavelet, etc. for electronic storage on digital recording media. Without a codec in place to compress and digitize video, digital video recording to a hard disk drive would not be possible.

Color Camera - Cameras are available with either color or monochrome image sensors. Color cameras produce video images bearing the entire visible spectrum of colors. And because color CCD cameras have come a long way in recent years, the colors of objects appear vivid, crisp, and distinguished on monitoring and playback of video. The color cameras deliver amazingly crisp video, and in many cases better than the human eye when only a small amount of light is available.

Colour Saturation the degree of mixture of a colour and white. High saturation means little or no white.

Composite Video is the standard type of analog video signal utilized by most CCTV video cameras. This signal is plug and play compatible with most consumer television and VCR equipment. However, this type of video should not be confused with digital "component" inputs which may ALSO found on newer televisions and other home video equipment. A composite video signal has the correct phase rate, luminance, and chrominance information to be compatible with a particular video format such as NTSC, PAL, EIA, CCIR, etc. A full video signal that combines picture signal and synchronisation pulses.

Compression Digital video pictures can be compressed with a number of techniques. These include: JPEG and JPEG-2000 (for still images), M-JPEG and MPEG (for moving pictures).

Compression Method refers to the computer software technique the codec in a DVR video recorder (or DVR card) uses to convert the video signal to digital information so it can be compressed and stored on digital media like a hard disk drive, DVD, or CD. Uncompressed video would require massive processing power and nearly unlimited storage capacity and is, therefore, completely out of the question in the real world. MPEG (M-JPEG) and Wavelet are the most common types of compressed digital video, but there are variants of these in addition to other proprietary formats. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 typically offer the highest quality recording (DVDs use MPEG-2), but smaller file sizes can be obtained by using a lower tvres, more efficient compression method like Wavelet or MPEG-4. It should also be noted that the method of compression a video codec uses to compress and digitize video information may NOT always indicate the video file type / extension for playback. Instead, the final digital video format available from a DVR recorder on backup (via USB, CD or DVD burner, etc.) could be in AVI format or even a proprietary format despite MPEG compression.

Contrast The noticeable difference between blacks and whites in a picture. If the two extremes look like gray and off-white the contrast is not good. A gray scale can be used to check the CCTV monitor's ability to reproduce good contrast.

Contrast Control is a feature of many video monitors. This allows the user to manually adjust the screen contrast for better picture visibility.

Contrast Ratio is a monitor specification. This number indicates the dynamic range of brightness (difference between darkest and brightest) a monitor is capable of displaying.

CRT Cathode Ray Tube. The vacuum tube part of a monitor or television.

Current Delivery indicates the amount of electrical current (usually measured in milliamps, amps, or watts) available from some device which has output voltage (like an AC/DC power transformer or a battery pack). Current delivery describes the amount of "juice" a power supply or other product which outputs voltage can deliver to another product in need of electrical power.

Current Draw indicates the amount of electrical current (measured typically in milliamps or amps) required to safely and effpixelsly power a device.