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EIA is the standard monochrome video format used in North America, Japan, and some other places in the world. EIA products are also generally referred to as NTSC because nearly all NTSC products like televisions and VCRs can also handle black and white EIA video. Electronic Industries Association. American standard for B/W camera system.

Effpixels Pixels concerns the operation of a camera's CCD image sensor. A CCD is comprised of hundreds of thousands of tiny pixel elements which translate light to a visible video image. But effpixels pixels must be distinguished from total pixels. Of the total number of pixels contained on a CCD image chip, some are not used for video imaging whatsoever. The number of effpixels pixels indicates exactly how many of the pixels are actively at work to deliver video. A higher number of effpixels pixels tends to indicate a higher tvres camera, though this number may not always describe actual video quality in the important categories of sharpness, color saturation and vividness, as well as low light performance.

Electronic Shutter This feature automatically changes the speed at which light is captured in fields of video by the CCD image sensor. Automatic electronic shutter determines the amount of light available and helps deliver the best quality video by dynamically adjusting for the current lighting conditions by toning down light levels in very bright situations and boosting brightness in low lighting situations. Compensates for moderate light changes in indoor applications without the use of auto iris lenses.

ELC (Electronic Light Control) Compensates for moderate light changes in indoor applications without the use of auto iris lenses. Select this mode when a fixed iris lens or manual iris lens is used.

Electronic Iris (EI) is an electronic implementation of an auto iris. It uses electronics to simulate the effect of opening and closing the iris, by increasing or decreasing the effective shutter time of the camera.

Enclosed Board Camera (a.k.a. module camera) - This term refers to cameras with their electronic board circuitry enclosed or housed inside a protective metal or plastic casing. Enclosed board cameras are not as delicate as exposed board cameras (although all electronics should be handled carefully), but they are also slightly larger and heavier.

Ethernet/Modem indicates a network communication device for computer-type devices. Most DVR video recorders with standard built-in Ethernet LAN connection (with 'RJ-45' plug) to enable remote internet viewing and/or network operation. Please click here to read more in our DVR frequently asked questions. The most widely installed Local Area Network (LAN) technology. Specified in a standard IEEE802.3.10/100 BASE-T, the most commonly installed Ethernet system, provides transmission speed up to 100 megabits per second.

Exposed Board Camera - This term refers to cameras with electronic board circuitry left exposed on the cameras without a housing or enclosure. These cameras are considered delicate and must be used and handled gently, but are great for some limited applications (like unmanned / radio-controlled vehicles, OEM applications, or body worn video use) because of their slim profile and low weight. In order to provide some degree of protection, all exposed board camera models found on this site come standard with 3M heat shrink coating. For a better protected miniature camera, please consider an enclosed board model.

Evidence Quality Includes specifics such as DVR recordings set at a resolution rate so that faces, number plates etc. can be identified, and accurate time and date information displayed with each recording.

External Sync allows a piece of equipment to take its video synchronisation from another unit, so that it can align itself with the system as a whole.