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CP Plus
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CP Plus Standalone DVR

  Model Name
Product Image
Key Features

CP Plus Dvr CP-0402H-U Chennai India
CP-0402H-U : 4 Channels Entry Level Simple 1U Standalone DVR, Up to 4 cameras with SXGA (1280×1024) display, H.264 video compression algorithm ideal, Each channel at CIF or 6/7fps at D1 recording, Dual encoding streams supported, TV(BNC)/VGA synchronous video output, Live, recording, playback, backup & remote access, 4 channel simultaneous playback,Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Easy backup: USB devices, network download, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload, Supports 1 SATA HDD, 2 USB2.0, Built-in web server, multi-DVR client, DMSS & CMS
CP Plus Dvr CP-0402H-U

CP Plus Dvr CP-0804H-U Chennai India
CP-0804H-U : 8 Channels Entry Level Simple 1U Standalone DVR, Up to 4 cameras with SXGA(1280×1024) display, H.264 video compression algorithm ideal, Each channel at CIF or 6/7fps at D1 recording,Dual encoding streams supported, TV(BNC)/VGA synchronous video output, Live, recording, playback, backup & remote access, 8 channel simultaneous playback, Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Easy backup: USB devices, network download, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload, Supports 1 SATA HDD, 2 USB2.0, Built-in web server, multi-DVR client, DMSS & CMS
CP Plus Dvr CP-0804H-U

CP Plus Dvr CP-1604HL-U Chennai India
CP-1604HL-U : 16 channel 1U Standalone DVR, Up to 16 cameras with SXGA(1280×1024) display, H.264 video compression algorithm ideal, Each channel 25/30fps at CIF or 6/7fps at D1 recording, Dual encoding streams supported, TV(BNC)/VGA synchronous video output, Live, recording, playback, backup & remote access, 16 channel simultaneous playback, Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Easy backup: USB devices, network download, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload, Supports 1 SATA HDD, 2 USB2.0
CP Plus Dvr CP-1604HL-U

CP Plus Dvr CP-0404-0808-1604H-U Chennai India
CP-0404-0808-1604H-U : 4/8/16 Ch H.264 Real Time Standalone DVR, All Channel real time recording for CIF and special channel 4CIF real-time recording, All channel simultaneous playback, H.264 compression algorithm ideal for standalone DVR, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ preset, e-mail, FTP upload, Dual encoding streams support, flexible for network transmission, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Multiple control methods: Front panel, IR remote, keyboard, USB mouse and network keyboard, Pentaplex function: live, recording, playback, backup &remote access, Powerful network software: built-in web server, multi-DVR client & CMS, Real-time live display with 1080P high definition, Smart camera settings: privacy masking, camera lock, color setting and title display, Smart video detection: motion detection, camera blank, video loss, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload
CP Plus Dvr CP-0404-0808-1604H-U

CP Plus Dvr CP-0404-0804-1604HD-U Chennai India
CP-0404-0804-1604HD-U : 4/8/16 Ch H.264 real time Standalone DVR, All Channel real time recording for CIF and special channel, 4CIF real-time recording, All channel simultaneous playback, H.264 video compression algorithm ideal, All Channel full HD 1080P display, Dual encoding streams support, flexible for network transmission, Built-in web server, multi-DVR client & CMS, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Easy backup: USB devices, CD/DVD-RW & network download, Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, TV(BNC)/VGA/HDMI synchronous video output, Up to 4 SATA HDDs or 2 HDD + 1 CD/DVD-RW, 1 eSATA, 2USB2.0, "Pentaplex Operation : live, recording, playback, backup & remote access ", Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload
CP Plus Dvr CP-0404-0804-1604HD-U

CP Plus Dvr CP-0404QD-U Chennai India
CP-0404QD-U : 4 channels Full D1 standalone DVR, Up to 4 cameras with full HD 1080P display, H.264 video compression algorithm idea, Each channel at D1(4CIF) realtime recording, Dual encoding streams supported, TV(BNC)/VGA/HDMI synchronous video output, Live, recording, playback, backup & remote access, 4 channel simultaneous playback, Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Easy backup: USB devices, CD/DVD-RW & network download, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload, Up to 4 SATA HDDs & CD/DVD-RW, 1 eSATA, 2 USB2.0,Built-in web server, multi-DVR client, DMSS & CMS
CP Plus Dvr CP-0404QD-U

CP Plus Dvr CP-0404-0808-1616QD8-U Chennai India

CP-0404-0808-1616QD8-U : 4/8/16 Ch H.264 Real Time Full D1 Standalone DVR, All Channel full D1 real time recording, All Channel simultaneous playback, H.264 video compression algorithm ideal , All Channel full HD 1080P display, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload, Built-in web server, multi-DVR client, DMSS & CMS, Easy backup: USB devices, CD/DVD-RW & network download, Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, TV(BNC)/VGA/HDMI synchronous video output, Up to 8 SATA HDDs or 6 HDD + 1 CD/DVD-RW, 1 eSATA, 2 USB2.0, "Pentaplex Operation : live, recording, playback, backup & remote access ", Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload

CP Plus Dvr CP-0404-0808-1616QD8-U

CP Plus 32 Channel DVR CP-3216HD-U Chenani India.
CP-3216HD-U : 32 Channel High Performance Standalone DVR, Up to 32 cameras with full HD 1080P display, H.264 video compression algorithm ideal, Each channel at CIF and special channel at D1 recording, Dual encoding streams supported, TV(BNC)/VGA/HDMI synchronous video output, Live, recording, playback, backup & remote access, 16 channel simultaneous playback, Smart video detection: MD, camera blank, video loss, 3D intelligent positioning with PTZ dome, Easy backup: USB devices, CD/DVD-RW & network download, Alarm triggering screen tips, buzzer, PTZ, e-mail, FTP upload, Up to 8 SATA HDDs & CD/DVD-RW, 1 eSATA, 2 USB2.0, Built-in web server, multi-DVR client, DMSS & CMS
CP Plus 32 Channel DVR CP-3216HD-U
CP Plus CTV DVR - CP-0402H-U, CP-0804H-U, CP-1604HL-U, CP-0404H-U, CP-0808H-U, CP-1604H-U, CP-0404HD-U, CP-0804HD-U, CP-1604HD-U,CP-0404QD-U,CP-0404QD8-U, CP-0808QD8-U, CP-1616QD8-U,CP-3216HD-U